365 Days. Brand New Opportunities. Cheers to New Beginnings!

Dearly Departed 2020:

Runsi Ayona Sen
3 min readDec 31, 2020

We Will Never Forget. Thank You For Your Message.

Here I am, on the last day of 2020, with a grateful heart — trying to capture the year that was, with a few words. The year that shook and shifted humanity. The year when all of us were compelled to pay attention to the message from the universe. Few of us did, while most of us are still in translation mode as we step into the New Year.

On March 13, 2020, as I drove home with my children, I did not think it would be my last “normal” day of the year. 9 months later, the definition of normal has drastically changed for all of us. There has been so much anguish, pain, devastation, deaths, and destruction this year. There have also been remarkable opportunities to fundamentally transform the way we think, work, socialize and live.

So, I needed to sit down and give myself 5 minutes to write down my thoughts, not depending on etching them on my progressively failing memory as I get older. I debated writing an essay vs. summing them up in convenient bullet points — the result is before you.

2020 will never be forgotten by history. I am just making sure, I don’t. If you have advanced this year, my heartiest congratulations! If you have struggled, I have walked with you — if you read this, know, the universe has noticed. Your sacrifices and your losses have made you stronger, as we have risen from the ashes to walk the path of growth. 2020, you will always look better in the rear-view mirror. Goodbye.

Here is my 20 on 2020:

1. I didn’t get to post a picture of my vaccination in 2020 — yes, let this be recorded for posterity

2. I enjoyed giving up my long commutes and endless & meaningless driving trips

3. I realized over again the beauty and power of sleeping longer & resting better

4. I was amazed at the strength of a simple life focused only on the essentials of body & mind

5. I basked in the glory of being an introvert and embracing COVID life with fullest enthusiasm

6. I started taking work calls while laced up for my golden hour evening walks. Every. Day.

7. I did not miss a single day of working out — to feel good and to prioritize self-care

8. I worked every day in 2020 — vacations are great, but the distraction work provides, is underrated while going through crisis

9. My children did online school all year this year and despite Expert opinions encouraging otherwise, they thrived

10. I faced family deaths, losses, life challenges, and serious setbacks due to COVID — but kept reminding myself, it could have been worse

11. I read more books than I have in the last 10 years

12. I spent most of 2020 rediscovering the art of comfort dressing. That mask is everything

13. I purposefully scheduled phone meetings amidst relentless stream of video calls to the surprise and satisfaction of many. Also, never got on video unless I wanted to

14. I decided to write a book and then did not get to it — I gave myself grace & understanding for not meeting a few personal goals

15. The thing I missed the most this year is traveling to nourish my soul

16. I wrote my last text to someone I love

17. I emerged from a non-COVID health scare to realize focus on self needs to be non-singular (and that healthcare is a privilege)

18. I learned to despise the word “pivot” and love the word “endurance”

19. I realized whether we are chasing time or consuming it, seasons still change & years still turn

20. I survived 2020 (and have earned the ticket to live to tell the tale)



Runsi Ayona Sen

Mom. Founder, President & CEO @Ovarcome. TEDx Speaker. Believer of everything magical and in choosing to Ovarcome.